Early Years Foundation Stage


Every child deserves the best possible start in life, and at St Hugh’s we ensure the child’s first experiences to be positive and exciting, both in Nursery or Reception. We provide a caring, secure and safe environment where every child is valued and respected as an individual, striving to reach their own full potential. At St Hugh’s we want our children to adopt a love of learning, be motivated to learn and experience a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all individuals.

The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum consists of 7 areas which are broken down in to prime and specific areas.

The prime areas consist of Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSE), Communication and Language and Physical Development.

The specific areas consist of Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts.


Children are supported to develop their Characteristics of Effective Learning within the EYFS as these underpin learning and development across all areas and support children to remain effective and motivated learners. These include:


Playing and Exploring- children investigate and experience things, and 'have a go'

Active Learning- children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties

Creating and Thinking Critically- children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things


Click here to view what Characteristics of Effective Learning might look like for a child

Click here to view the Educational Programmes for the Seven Areas of Learning within the EYFS

Click here to view the end of EYFS expectations 

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  • For children who enter our EYFS to begin their lifelong learning journey by developing physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally whilst also embedding a positive attitude to school and developing a love of learning.
  • To help every child achieve the outcomes of staying safe; being healthy and enjoying and achieving.
  • To help children to be able to express themselves effectively to talk about their emotions, in order to develop their emotional well-being.
  • To set high expectations for Learning; Development; Care and Welfare and Progress to ensure that all children reach their potential.
  • To provide equality of opportunity for all.
  • To provide high quality continuous provision so that children can become independent learners and develop their skills in a variety of areas.
  • To ensure that all children are equipped with effective characteristics of effective learning, to support children in knowing how to learn.
  • To build the foundations for future learning, by meeting the individual needs and interests of the child.



  • The statutory requirements of the Framework and Guidelines of Development matters published in 2021 will be met.
  • Within our teaching, learning and planning we will take account of the four strands of the EYFS Framework: A Unique Child; Positive Relationships; Enabling Environments and Learning and Development to ensure that every child is given the best possible opportunities.
  • We will ensure that we meet the legal requirements for safeguarding in promoting children’s welfare, health and safety and by ensuring that our premises environment and equipment are safe, secure and suitable.
  • There will be great emphasis on the prime areas of development (Physical, PSE and Communication and Language) as these are considered the most essential for positive development which then supports children in being able to flourish in the specific areas. We will ensure that PSHE remains a core focus so that children have ample opportunities to explore and talk about their feelings.
  • We will put into place effective organisation for the EYFS so that children can access continuous provision independently and use it effectively to develop their skills and to develop their ability to explore and learn new things.
  • We will meet the learning and development requirements by developing our curriculum appropriately to suit the needs of the learners. We will work hard to ensure that the Early Learning Goals are acquired by the end of the academic year in which children are five.
  • We will put in place effective arrangements for assessing children’s achievement and progress so that the children’s next steps are identified.



We strive to ensure that our children will grow to be confident, competent, life-long learners who are skilful communicators. We strive to ensure that our children progress effectively across all areas of the EYFS curriculum from their various starting points and to be line with national expectations by the end of their foundation years. The impact of our curriculum is measured by our assessments, which allow us to track percentages of pupils achieving age related expectations throughout the academic year and put support interventions in place where needed. Regular observations and assessments inform future planning and ensure that all children build on their current knowledge and skill set. We endeavour for pupils to be year 1 ready by the time they leave reception, so they are equipped with the necessary skills to allow them to flourish in their future learning. 

The documents below show how our curriculum subjects across school are linked to the EYFS curriculum:

Early Years Foundation Stage


Every child deserves the best possible start in life, and at St Hugh’s we ensure the child’s first experiences to be positive and exciting, both in Nursery or Reception. We provide a caring, secure and safe environment where every child is valued and respected as an individual, striving to reach their own full potential. At St Hugh’s we want our children to adopt a love of learning, be motivated to learn and experience a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all individuals.

The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum consists of 7 areas which are broken down in to prime and specific areas.

The prime areas consist of Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSE), Communication and Language and Physical Development.

The specific areas consist of Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts.


Children are supported to develop their Characteristics of Effective Learning within the EYFS as these underpin learning and development across all areas and support children to remain effective and motivated learners. These include:


Playing and Exploring- children investigate and experience things, and 'have a go'

Active Learning- children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties

Creating and Thinking Critically- children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things


Click here to view what Characteristics of Effective Learning might look like for a child

Click here to view the Educational Programmes for the Seven Areas of Learning within the EYFS

Click here to view the end of EYFS expectations 

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  • For children who enter our EYFS to begin their lifelong learning journey by developing physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally whilst also embedding a positive attitude to school and developing a love of learning.
  • To help every child achieve the outcomes of staying safe; being healthy and enjoying and achieving.
  • To help children to be able to express themselves effectively to talk about their emotions, in order to develop their emotional well-being.
  • To set high expectations for Learning; Development; Care and Welfare and Progress to ensure that all children reach their potential.
  • To provide equality of opportunity for all.
  • To provide high quality continuous provision so that children can become independent learners and develop their skills in a variety of areas.
  • To ensure that all children are equipped with effective characteristics of effective learning, to support children in knowing how to learn.
  • To build the foundations for future learning, by meeting the individual needs and interests of the child.



  • The statutory requirements of the Framework and Guidelines of Development matters published in 2021 will be met.
  • Within our teaching, learning and planning we will take account of the four strands of the EYFS Framework: A Unique Child; Positive Relationships; Enabling Environments and Learning and Development to ensure that every child is given the best possible opportunities.
  • We will ensure that we meet the legal requirements for safeguarding in promoting children’s welfare, health and safety and by ensuring that our premises environment and equipment are safe, secure and suitable.
  • There will be great emphasis on the prime areas of development (Physical, PSE and Communication and Language) as these are considered the most essential for positive development which then supports children in being able to flourish in the specific areas. We will ensure that PSHE remains a core focus so that children have ample opportunities to explore and talk about their feelings.
  • We will put into place effective organisation for the EYFS so that children can access continuous provision independently and use it effectively to develop their skills and to develop their ability to explore and learn new things.
  • We will meet the learning and development requirements by developing our curriculum appropriately to suit the needs of the learners. We will work hard to ensure that the Early Learning Goals are acquired by the end of the academic year in which children are five.
  • We will put in place effective arrangements for assessing children’s achievement and progress so that the children’s next steps are identified.



We strive to ensure that our children will grow to be confident, competent, life-long learners who are skilful communicators. We strive to ensure that our children progress effectively across all areas of the EYFS curriculum from their various starting points and to be line with national expectations by the end of their foundation years. The impact of our curriculum is measured by our assessments, which allow us to track percentages of pupils achieving age related expectations throughout the academic year and put support interventions in place where needed. Regular observations and assessments inform future planning and ensure that all children build on their current knowledge and skill set. We endeavour for pupils to be year 1 ready by the time they leave reception, so they are equipped with the necessary skills to allow them to flourish in their future learning. 

The documents below show how our curriculum subjects across school are linked to the EYFS curriculum: