Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

We have achieved the 'Dyslexia Aware' award for the 10th time!


Miss Louise Kelly 



Click on the links below to view the following information:


The Trafford Directory also includes the new Virtual Mental Wealth Hub. The hub is a collaboration between stakeholders in Trafford to provide a single point of access which will link and signpost to information, advice and guidance relating to anxiety and mental health needs in Trafford.



Below is a copy of our Dyslexia Awareness assembly. The focus this year is 'Breaking Through Barriers.'

The resources below are designed to support children who have autism:



top-tips-supporting-children-with-asd.pdf .pdf
easy-read-school-soon-1-.pdf .pdf
parent-course-25.6.20.pdf .pdf
returning-to-school-after-covid-19-social-story-1-.pdf .pdf
easyreadlookingafteryourfeelingsandbody-1-.pdf .pdf
helplineadv10.pdf .pdf
tools-for-teachers-covid-19-edition.pdf .pdf
covid-19-i-can-help-1-carol-gray.pdf .pdf