Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


Miss Louise Kelly 



Click on the links below to view the following information:


The Trafford Directory also includes the new Virtual Mental Wealth Hub. The hub is a collaboration between stakeholders in Trafford to provide a single point of access which will link and signpost to information, advice and guidance relating to anxiety and mental health needs in Trafford.



The resources below are designed to support children who have autism:



top-tips-supporting-children-with-asd.pdf .pdf
easy-read-school-soon-1-.pdf .pdf
parent-course-25.6.20.pdf .pdf
returning-to-school-after-covid-19-social-story-1-.pdf .pdf
easyreadlookingafteryourfeelingsandbody-1-.pdf .pdf
helplineadv10.pdf .pdf
tools-for-teachers-covid-19-edition.pdf .pdf
covid-19-i-can-help-1-carol-gray.pdf .pdf