St Hugh's Catholic Primary School Governing Body

The Governing Board has three core functions.  These include ensuring that the Catholic Ethos and Mission of the school is upheld, to formulate alongside the Headteacher the strategic direction of the school, to support Senior Leaders to ensure the best educational performance for all children as well as overseeing the financial performance to ensure money is well spent. The Governors generally hold office for a period of four years at a time. During their term, they are encouraged to attend training courses and workshops on a comprehensive range of topics provided by the Local Authority and the Diocese and they receive updates on salient issues from a variety of sources. The Full Governing Body meets officially once per term. There are also various sub-committees. The Curriculum and Standards Committee and  Building and Resources Committee meet termly, although the Buildings & Resources Committee have additional meetings to approve the budget and to ensure best practice is being followed in managing the school finances.  In addition, we hold bi-annual meetings with regards to Swans@Play, our own before and after-school club. 

Foundation Governors - Foundation Governors at the school represent the interests of the Diocese of Shrewsbury. The role is to ensure that the school is clearly recognisable as Christian in its ethos and that its role is seen in the provision for Catholic children of the Diocese.

Local Authority Governor - Each Governing Body has one Governor representing the Local Authority.

Parent Governors - Parents of pupils registered at the school are eligible to stand for election as one of the two Parent Governors. They are elected by other parents at the school.

Staff Governors - The Headteacher is automatically eligible to be a full member of the Governing Body by virtue of the office. Both teaching and support staff who are paid at the school are eligible to stand as the staff governor. This person is elected by other members of the staff at the school.

A letter from our Chair of Governors

A very warm welcome from the Governors of St Hugh’s and the whole St Hugh’s community.  

St Hugh’s is a thriving, successful school with the Catholic faith at the heart of all we do. Our school sits at the heart of the community and enjoys strong bonds with the parish of St Hugh and St John, Timperley. Our faith underpins all that we do, with a curriculum and approach built around our mission statement: “Walking in the footsteps of Jesus, growing in the light of His love.”    

Our school community is blessed with a talented, enthusiastic leadership team; dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff; motivated, delightful children and highly engaged parents; alongside a focussed and committed Governing Body. We are also fortunate to have a wonderful PTA who do so much to support the school through both fundraising and social events.  

As Chair of Governors, it is my pleasure to work alongside Mrs Kelly and the Senior Leadership Team and support them as a “critical friend” in ensuring that the school continues to grow and develop, ensuring that all our children fulfil their potential. I am supported in this role by an incredibly talented and committed governing body, who bring a diverse range of skills and experience to this voluntary role. 

Although St Hugh’s is one of the largest primary schools in Trafford, one of the things that makes our school distinctive is the incredibly close relationships between children, parents and staff. As a parent of children in the school, as well as a governor, I know first-hand that this is a place where everyone is known, and everyone is loved.  

If you are new to the school or considering applying for a place, I would warmly encourage you to take the opportunity to visit our school and experience for yourself the warm, caring atmosphere, and to meet our talented staff and wonderful children. Looking ahead to 2023, we will be celebrating the school’s Platinum Jubilee, marking 60 years since St Hugh’s opened, and I look forward to seeing many of our parents and pupils past and present at our jubilee celebrations. 

With very best wishes,  

Chair of Governors


Governing Board 2023-24


Governor Category

Current term of Office

Committee Roles

Declaration of Interests

Hugh Faupel

Chair of Governors



1st Sep 2020 – 31st Aug 2024

· Curriculum and Standards 

· Performance Management/Pay

· Headteacher Performance

· Admissions


Emily O’Hare

Vice Chair of Governors



1st Sep 2020 – 31st Aug 2024

· Curriculum and Standards


· Admissions

· Performance Management/Pay

· Buildings and Resources 

· Headteacher Performance



Jim McNally


1st Sep 2020 – 31st Aug 2024

· Buildings and Resources (Chair)

Performance Management/Pay


Fr Pat Munroe


1st Sep 2021 – 31st Aug 2025

· Buildings and Resources

· Admissions

· Performance Management/Pay

· Headteacher PM

Parish Priest (St Hugh & St John)

Fr Tomasz Mamelka


1st Sep 2022 - 31st Aug 2026


Parish Priest (St Hugh & St John)

Simon Hunt


1st Nov 2021 - 31st Aug 2026

· Curriculum and Standards   


Raffaella Livesey


30th Nov 2021 - 31st Aug 2025

· Swans@play

· Buildings and Resources 


Laura Drinkwater


1st Dec 2023 - 30th Nov 2027

 · Swans@play

 · Buildings and Resources

Works for One Education used by school for HR and Finance 

Emily Heywood


1st Dec 2023 - 30th Nov 2027


· Curriculum and Standards


Supports families who have children with SEND(Trafford), which included resolving issues with their child’s school.

Rob Ignatowicz

Local Education Authority

27th Jun 2017 – 26th Jun 2025

· Curriculum and Standards

· Performance Management/Pay


Lisa Kelly


1st Sep 2022 – current

· Curriculum and Standards

· Buildings and Resources

· Swans@play

· Admissions

· Performance Management/Pay


Clare Parr


1st Sep 2020 – 31st Aug 2024

· Curriculum and Standards

· Swans@play

Sister of Nicola Ahmed (Assistant Head)


Governor Attendance:

Meetings 2023-2024

Meetings 2022-2023

Meetings 2021-2022

Meetings 2020-2021

Previous Governors within the last twelve months:

  • Mr Andrew Holmes: 30th Nov 2021 - 1st Dec 2022 - Foundation Governor
  • Mrs Louise Barton: 18th Oct 2019 - 17th Oct 2023 - Parent Governor