Relationships and Health Education

'Therefore encourage on another and build one another up, just as you are doing.'

Thessalonians 5:11


Children at St. Hugh’s Catholic Primary School are offered a high quality PSHE curriculum which involves a wide range of different elements and experiences. Our PSHE curriculum is rooted in our vision and values as a faith school and reflects our Catholic Ethos. At St Hugh’s, children are offered a wide variety of different opportunities and experiences within the PSHE curriculum which is comprised of many different elements. Some of the curriculum is pupil led, some teacher led and some is led by outside professionals and members of the wider community. We work closely with our parish community and this offers many opportunities to enrich our PSHE curriculum.


In PSHE, children will gain the skills to grow in confidence and to develop a sense of responsibility within themselves. They develop their own God-given attributes, form positive relationships with others built on respect and develop a healthy and safe lifestyle. The personal development of each pupil will be nurtured within the ethos of our Catholic School through their on-going PSHE education. Opportunities will exist for children to access outside professionals to discuss topics such as healthy lifestyles, personal safety, relationships, diversity, citizenship and the wider world. Our diverse society will be represented and children will develop a real understanding and appreciation of the world.



Pupils will follow carefully designed schemes of learning which offer consistency and progression as pupils move through the school. PHSE is taught both through explicit lessons but is also embedded in other areas of the curriculum and in the day to day life of the school. It is taught and recorded through a variety of mediums including presentations, art, drama, photography and the innovative use of technology. Pupil leads (Shining Lights Council) are actively involved in planning PSHE activities. They take a lead role in sharing PSHE learning during designated assemblies at the end of each half term and work with the designated lead to maintain a display board at the entrance to the school. They also contribute their views on relevant topics as part of the ‘pupil voice’ within school. The school participates in National Awareness and Fundraising events such as Anti-bullying week and the MacMillan Coffee Morning.



Children have a clear understanding of what constitutes physical and mental well-being and understand how to live a balanced lifestyle. They understand the importance of eating a balanced diet, enjoying regular exercise and having sufficient sleep. Children learn the importance of personal hygiene and how to prevent the spread of disease. They understand the importance of developing relationships with others based on respect. At St Hugh’s, children know how to let adults know if they feel unsafe and know how to report bullying. Children learn how to maintain their personal safety both in and outside of school and they have an awareness of the risks posed by the internet.

Life to the Full




Life to the Full covers a lot of the national curriculum for PSHE, but not all of it.

Why not?

The PSHE National Curriculum as a whole itself is a non-statutory subject. However, a fully-compliant PSHE curriculum should include ALL of the elements of the Relationships and Health Education curriculum.

Life to the Full only covers all of the statutory requirements of RHE. In practice, this means that our programme covers a lot of the curriculum for PSHE but it does not cover, for example, some elements of ‘Living in the Wider World’.

Life to the Full is based on the structure of the ‘Model Primary RSE Curriculum’ from the Catholic Education Service and we use this as the basis for our lessons and resources. This itself is cited as a work of good practice by the DfE so it should mean that you are fully compliant with the new curriculum and are delivering a programme that puts a Christian understanding of the human person at the very heart.

However, Life to the Full Plus does cover all PSHE requirements! 

We have produced an add-on subscription to Life to the Full, which fully integrates the PSHE / Health and Wellbeing curriculum within your existing Relationships and Health Education programme.

Content will cover areas such as Transitions to new class/school, Money and Careers, Diversity, Online Safety and more.

You can expect more of our creative, media-rich content, along with lots of new features, assessments and activities.



Cultural Capital

The rich, creative and varied PSHE curriculum supports children in developing cultural capital. They are given opportunities to learn about British Society and the Wider World and are given an understanding about the diversity of our society and different cultures and religions. Children are taught about rights, responsibilities and duties at home, in school and towards the wider community. Children are taught about money and how it can be used for different purposes and the role it can play in people’s lives.

British Values

In PSHE, children are taught about British Values and democracy. They learn about why there is a need for rules and laws and how to take part in making and changing laws.

Children will be taught about social justice and the importance of showing respect to all members of society. Children will be taught to understand and respect diversity and different religious and cultural practices. Diversity within St Hugh’s School is celebrated.

Over the years, St. Hugh’s has developed a range of curricular and cross-curricular opportunities for children to develop in PSHE. These include:

  • School councils that meet once a term
  • Circle time opportunities
  • Yearly drama performances
  • School trips
  • Guest speakers
  • Charity fund raising activities
  • Gardening experience
  • Involvement with visiting the local community
  • After school and weekend sports activities
  • Electing pupils for positions of responsibilities
  • Residential religious retreats and sports activities
Emotional support at St Hugh's

Trained staff and trained Parish volunteers operate the Rainbows Scheme within the school, for children requiring support to come to terms with a divorce or bereavement. We also run a Silver SEAL programme and NOVA group to specifically encourage self esteem with targeted children, as well as support certain children through the transition between different Key Stages. These groups are run during school hours with parental agreement.

 If you would like your child to be considered for any of these groups, please contact your class teacher, who will be happy to provide you with more information.