COVID-19 update:
We continue to do our very best to navigate our way around this difficult situation that we all face. Our children continue to be happy, positive and settled! The return to school has been smooth and we have greatly valued all of your wonderful comments.
If there is a positive case within our school community, we work with public health, who decide and guide us through the steps of action we need to take. Every situation is very different, and therefore the outcomes with regards to the number of individuals who need to self-isolate will also vary considerably. Public Health provide the communication letters for us to send out to parents. I have reviewed these and made some changes to fit our own circumstances here at St Hugh’s.
If there is a positive case and your child is required to self-isolate, you will receive a direct parent mail with the title – IMPORTANT MESSAGE – CHILD REQUIRED TO SELF-ISOLATE. There will then be a letter attached, containing further information. If you do not receive this letter, your child does not need to self-isolate. We will then send out a follow-up general information letter (as required by Public Health) to inform the wider school community. Due to GDPR restrictions, please be aware that we are unable to share personal information regarding family situations/specific cases. At present, there are over 400 schools just in Greater Manchester who have some pupils working from home and being taught via remote learning. We are one of the largest primary schools in Greater Manchester, with numbers similar to some secondary schools. We have over 650 pupils, 100 staff and associated families, which therefore extends to thousands of people. Let’s continue to work together to help keep each other safe.
What you can do to support:
A reminder of what we are doing in school:
NHS COVID-19 app:
NHS Test and Trace have launched the NHS COVID-19 app to help control the spread of coronavirus (COVID19). It will do this by alerting people who may have been exposed to infection so that they can take action. The app will be available to download for anyone aged 16 and over. NHS COVID-19 app A new legal duty to self-isolate has now come into force. People in England will be required, by law, to self-isolate if they test positive or are contacted by NHS Test and Trace. This law has been introduced to ensure compliance with self-isolation rules and to reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).